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Season 2: Episode 12


Middle Split Workout!

Instructions/ Workout guide: Pick levels depending on your flexibility level. 1 being the least, 5 being the most flexible. Advance as needed. Practicing at level 5 means the individual should have, or almost have, a full middle split.

Level 1:

1. Peeing dog, leg bent

- 4 sets, 3-5 reps of 10s holds, rest 60s

2. Horse Stance (the squat without dumbell)

- 4 sets, 40-90s hold, rest 60s

3. Tailor pose (butterfly with weights)

- 3 sets, 8-10 reps + 20s hold, rest 60s

Level 2:

1. Horse Stance (squats + holds)

- 3 sets, 3-5 reps with a 10s hold, rest 60s

2. Peeing Dog, leg straight

- 4 sets, 3-5 reps of 10s holds, rest 60s

3. Tailor pose

- 3 sets, 8-10 reps + 20s hold, rest 60s

Level 3:

1. Kneeling Bent-Leg Tilt

- 4 sets, 3-5 reps of 10s holds, rest 60s

2. Side Split Entry (weight on chair)

- 10-15 reps, rest as needed

3. Active Side Split (laying down on back, pulling legs to floor-- last exercise shown in video)

- 4 sets, 3-5 reps of 10s pulls, rest 60s

Level 4:

1. Keeling Bent Leg Tilt or Full Kneeling Tilt

- 3 sets, 3-5 reps with a 10s hold, rest 60s

2. Tailor Pose or Advanced Tailor Pose (with block)

- 4 sets, 10-12 reps + 10-30s hold, rest 60s

3. Overcoming Isometric Side Splits (going as far as possible, then squeezing muscles, going against gravity)

- 4 sets, 30-45s, rest 60s

Level 5:

1. Standing Tilt either bent leg or straight leg (leaning on chair)

- 3 sets, 20-40s hold, rest 60s

2. Yielding Isometric Sidesplits (starting at a comfortable stance, squeeze muscles, lower with each muscle release until maximum is met, allowing gravity to pull you)

- 4 sets, 30-60s, rest 60-90s

3. Active Side Split

- 4 sets, 3-5 reps of 10s pulls, rest 60s

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